A sedition case has been filed against Qatar-based Al Jazeera in a Dhaka court. Advocate Moshiur Malek, executive president of the Bangabandhu Foundation, filed the suit in the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Ashek Imam on Wednesday. In order to file a sedition case, the approval of the Home Ministry is required.

Asked about the absence of the case, plaintiff's lawyer Abdul Malek told reporters that the court could make any decision on the matter at its own discretion. Al Jazeera's acting director general Mostafa Suwag, Shayer Zulkarnain alias Sami, Netra News editor Tasnim Khalil and British journalist David Bergman have been charged in the same case. He is involved in anti-state activities by spreading propaganda against the Bangladesh government and the state in the international arena.

On the night of February 1, a report titled 'All the Prime Minister's Men' contained false and misleading information against the state and government of Bangladesh and the report was also widely circulated on YouTube, which has tarnished the reputation of the Bangladesh government and state at home and abroad. It is further said that the accused are conspiring to overthrow the legitimately established government by creating an unstable situation in the country by their illegal conspiratorial illegal activities, which is an offense under Section 124/124 (a) / 109/34 of the Bangladesh Penal Code.

It is imperative that appropriate legal action be taken against the accused, including the defendants, their backers, financiers and masterminds.