Coronavirus has killed 7 more people in the country in the last 24 hours. The total number of deaths from coronavirus in the country stands at 8,349.

This information has been informed in a press release of the health department today.

Corona has been newly identified in the bodies of 327 more people. So far, the total number of people diagnosed with coronavirus has stood at 5 lakh 43 thousand 351 people.

In the last 24 hours, the detection rate is 2.33 percent. The total detection rate so far in the test is 13.76 percent. The total mortality rate is 1.54 percent.

A total of 14,036 samples have been tested in the last 24 hours in 214 laboratories in the country, both public and private. So far, a total of 39 lakh 47 thousand 673 samples have been tested under public and private management.

Mentioning that 475 more people have recovered from Corona in 24 hours, the notification said that the total number of healthy people in the country stands at 4 lakh 91 thousand 367 people. Recognized recovery rate is 90.43 percent.