DB police recovered 1.5 lakh pieces of illegal sexual stimulant tablets in 19 cartons while sending them to Chittagong from Habiganj to AJR Transport Agency and Courier Service.

The estimated market value of the items is Tk 11 lakh, police said. A team of DB police raided the AJR Transport Service in the city's crematorium area around 8pm on Sunday.

About 1.5 million pieces of illegal sexually stimulating tablets were recovered in 19 cartons at the time. Confirming the matter on Monday afternoon, District DB OC Al-Amin said the illegal sexually stimulating tablets were being sent to Chittagong on the pad of an organization called Maisa Enterprise on the banks of the city's Tinkona pond.

He was arrested on the basis of secret information. Police said that they are conducting an operation to arrest the owner of the tablets and the ringleader of the ring.