Myanmar's military government has sent a letter to Bangladesh's ambassador to Yangon explaining the reasons for the military coup, said Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen. In the letter, the minister said, 'They (the military government of Myanmar) have given a letter to our ambassador.

There they said, for what reason they took power. They said there were 10.4 million fake votes because they did it, "he said in response to a question from reporters at the Foreign Ministry on Saturday. The military commanders have gone to the Rohingya camps.

Then their mentors spoke of their grievances and army officers spoke of changing their condition step by step. The people in the camp in Kutupalong area of ​​Cox's Bazar are very happy to hear this, the army has given them a fear.

That's good news. Good start. Asked if this is good news for Bangladesh too, he said, 'We have got the information. But we have to get verified information. Let their government tell us first.