The whole of 2020 has gone through severe repression in Hong Kong, a special region of China. Beijing has pursued a tougher policy to bring Hong Kong under their control. World leaders have reacted sharply to China's actions.

In May last year, China's ruling Communist government passed the Hong Kong National Security Bill. And it has acted as a catalyst to establish Chinese control over Hong Kong. Pro-democracy protests and repression in Hong Kong have soured relations with China.

Jimmy Lai, founder of Hong Kong's media mogul Apple Daily, said the new law was a death knell for Hong Kong. He said the National Security Act has done great damage to the entire democratic movement. We need to be more resilient and ready to go to jail on the go.

The United States, along with Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, has also canceled extradition agreements with Hong Kong.

The foreign ministers of the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia have strongly condemned the arrest of more than 50 democracy activists in Hong Kong in the last week of December. They also called on China to respect Hong Kong's independence.

In a joint statement, they said it was clear that China was using the National Security Act to eliminate different political ideologies.

By stopping the arrests, we urge the Hong Kong and Chinese central authorities to respect the legal rights and freedoms of the Hong Kong people," they said.

In a joint statement, they said several people had been arrested under Hong Kong's national security law. It is a violation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and it undermines the ‘one country, two principles’ framework. The National Security Act has curtailed the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, it is important that the Assembly elections, which were postponed in September, are held smoothly. Representatives of different political ideologies will take part in this election, they mentioned.