Bangabandhu's ideal killers have been warned to evict from the country. Md. Abdur Razzak.

He said, those who want to destabilize the country, who want to kill the ideals of Bangabandhu, we will eradicate them from the soil of Bengal. The ideology with which we participated in the war of liberation is still alive and well today. This was stated by the Minister in a speech at the memorial meeting of late agriculturists Abdul Mannan and Shawkat Momen Shahjahan at the auditorium of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council on Thursday. Dr. Shahjahan remembered. Razzak said their lifelong ideal was the ideal of Bangabandhu.

The political path they chose to achieve the goal of that ideology was also the path of Bangabandhu. Without deviating from the norm, they have worked for the welfare and welfare of the dying people. The success of today's commemoration meeting will come in the future for the welfare of the people by holding that ideal.