In the third phase, polling will be held in 62 municipalities next Saturday. Voting will begin at 8 p.m. Voting will continue till 4 pm. In the third phase, voting will be held in all the municipalities through ballot papers. According to Election Commission (EC) sources, 229 mayors will contest for the post of mayor, 755 for the post of reserved councilor and 2,360 for the post of general councilor in 62 municipalities. A total of 3,344 candidates will contest in the third phase. Meanwhile, 37 candidates have won the third phase without contest.

Laksam in Comilla, Morelganj in Bagerhat and Tungipara in Gopalganj have won the mayoral post without contest. Besides, candidates for 9 reserved councilor posts and 25 general councilor posts have also won unopposed. BGB, RAB, police and Ansar members are already in the field to maintain law and order situation in the election. There will be four levels of security on election day. And in 62 municipalities, 62 judicial magistrates have been appointed for a total of five days.

They will be on duty for two days before the election, on the day of the election and two days after the election. Motorcycles have been banned in the constituencies since Thursday. Motorcycle traffic will be closed till 6 am next Sunday. Truck and pickup movement will be closed in the constituency from 12 pm on Friday to 12 noon on January 30. During this time, all launches, injectors and speedboats will be closed. However, engine-driven small boats or small boats can be used by the voters. It is to be noted that all the councilor candidates of 9 wards and three reserved seats including the mayor have been elected unopposed in Comilla's Laksam municipality.

Elections were to be held in this municipality on January 30. But being elected unopposed meant that ordinary voters no longer needed to vote. Therefore, except Laksam municipality, voting will be held in 62 municipalities of the country tomorrow.