At a time when the world is in the throes of a vaccine to get rid of the deadly coronavirus, there is bad news.

Twenty-three Norwegians have died after receiving the coronavirus vaccine invented by the much-talked-about Pfizer-Biotech company.

Of the 23 Norwegians who died after receiving the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, 13 were over 80 years old. They received several other side effects, including fever, after receiving the vaccine. According to the Norwegian Medicines Agency, the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is thought to cause serious side effects in older people.

After the incident, doctors now have to consider who will be given the vaccine and who will not," Strainer Madsen, the agency's medical director, told reporters.

The Norwegian Institute for Public Health says 23 people have died after receiving the vaccine, indicating that even the slightest side effect after receiving the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine could have serious consequences.