The swearing-in ceremony of newly elected US President Joe Biden will be held on Wednesday. His predecessor, outgoing President Donald Trump, will not be present at his inauguration. It is the political culture of the United States to formally greet the president-elect at his inauguration and hand over the reins of the presidency to him. However, Trump does not follow this culture.

It is expected that the inauguration ceremony will start on Wednesday evening local time. Last Friday, government officials said Trump would leave the White House by helicopter on the morning of his inauguration.

According to the report, Donald Trump will leave the capital Washington DC before Joe Biden is sworn in. He will leave for the Mar-a-Lego resort in Florida on the morning of January 20. For the first time since 1869, no outgoing president is attending the inauguration of his successor. Earlier, three other presidents in the country's history did not attend the inauguration of the successor. They are former presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Johnson. However, no official announcement has been made by the outgoing president yet.

A White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Trump would visit the Mar-a-Lego resort in Florida after leaving the president's residence. Which is his legal residence and where he will live.

Meanwhile, a photo widely circulated on social media shows the staff carrying several fathers in front of the Eisenhower Executive Office building in the White House.

Earlier last week, Trump announced that he would not attend Joe Biden's inauguration. Before the Twitter account was shut down, President Trump wrote in a tweet, "Let everyone who asks, I will not go to the inauguration on January 20."

Meanwhile, the impeachment motion against Trump was passed by a 232-197 vote in the lower house of Congress, the House of Representatives, on Wednesday. Along with Democrats, 10 Republicans also voted to remove Trump. This is the first time in the history of the United States that a president has been indicted twice.

Democrats want a speedy trial of Trump's impeachment in the Senate. However, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell has ruled out the possibility. He said the trial could not begin before January 19. This means that the trial is likely to begin after Trump officially leaves office on January 20.