UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called 2020 a year of trials, tragedies and tears.

The UN Secretary General said this in a message given on the occasion of the New Year 2021 on Thursday.

Corona has changed our lives and plunged the world into misery and grief," he said. Lost loved ones and growing epidemics, creating new waves of illness and death.

Said poverty, inequality and hunger are on the rise. Jobs are being lost and debt is mounting. The boys and girls are fighting. Domestic violence is on the rise and insecurity is everywhere. But in the coming new year we are seeing the light of hope.

People are extending a helping hand to neighbors and strangers," he said. The frontline fighters are destroying everything. Scientists are developing vaccines in record time and countries are renewing their commitment to climate change. If we work together for unity and solidarity, this light of hope can reach the world. This is the lesson of this difficult year.

Crisis of both climate change and the Covid-19 epidemic can only be tackled together as part of the transition to an inclusive and sustainable future.

The main goal of the UN for 2021 is to form a global alliance for carbon neutrality, that is, to reduce emissions to zero by 2050. Every government, city, business and individual can play a role in achieving this dream.

Let us make peace with ourselves and with nature, tackle the climate crisis, stop the spread of the Corona and turn 2021 into a year of healing," he said.