Videos of Donald Trump and his wife Melania occasionally go viral. The Trump couple's videos have gone viral on social media at various times about calling Melania in a strange way or not wanting to hold her husband's hand in public. Former First Lady Melania Trump, along with her husband Donald Trump, also left the White House naturally. As seen in the video, husband Trump was preparing to give a pose with her. But Melania refused to give that pose. Melania avoided Trump and got straight into the luxury car.

One such scene was captured on camera in Florida. Melania's actions naturally caught the attention of the media. When Trump's wife got off the plane, the media sniffed them. Donald Trump started talking to them. But Melania left her husband. Which has gone viral on social media. Many have started laughing and joking.

The video was uploaded from an unknown page on social media. Where only 5 thousand subscribers. But the views of that video have already crossed 5 million. The video later appeared in various world-renowned media outlets, including The Guardian.