Due to the epidemic coronavirus, all educational institutions in the country have been closed since March last year. Even before this, as the situation in Corona was not normal, the leave of the educational institution has been extended in several steps. In the new year, the government is again thinking of extending the holidays of educational institutions one step further.

That being said, the leave may be extended for another 15 days to one month. State Minister for Primary and Mass Education Zakir Hossain told the media on Saturday that the primary school would not be reopened until the situation returned to normal. Holidays may be extended again. The Prime Minister will take the final decision in this regard.

The state minister also said that our online teaching activities will continue even if the holidays of the educational institutions increase considering the situation. Meanwhile, Director General of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education Syed Golam Farooq told the media that the situation has not returned to normal yet. There is no condition to open the school.

He added that in this situation, the holiday may be extended again after January 16. The education minister will talk to the head of government to decide how long the leave can be extended. It is to be noted that due to Corona, the ongoing leave of the educational institution has been extended by several steps till last 16th January.