Junaid Ahmed Palak, state minister for information and communication technology (ICT), said there would be no cost for the app being developed to create a database for Corona vaccinators.

He said the news of spending money was completely false and baseless. It will not cost any money to create that app.

Criticism erupted on Monday (January 11th) when the country's media reported that vaccinators would be registered through an app created at a cost of tk 90 crore. In this context, Palak clarified the matter.

We already have a database of software," he said. We will build a 'security platform' on that database. That will be the app. The program will be created by the programmers working in the ICT department (in-house programmers). The work will be done using their own manpower, office, source. As a result, it will not cost any money. Because we did not order any person or organization to create the app.

We have been told by the PM's office that a database is ready and tested," said Junaid Ahmed Palak. As a result, to create a security platform using that database. He said that in order to give the vaccine, the recipient must have various information and data (name, address, age, etc.). A lot of information needs to be cross-checked. As a result, the platform will be a necessity. We will use the 'security platform'. The construction of the app will be completed as soon as possible.

Palak said, it is said that the construction cost of the app is 90 crore tk. Who will give this money - he asked. He said ministers and state ministers can spend up to tk 50 crore. You have to go to the purchase committee for a purchase of Tk 90 crore. Besides, we did not ask anyone from the finance department, health department for money to make this app. As a result, the issue of spending Tk 90 crore to create the app is completely fabricated.