The month of Magh is coming to an end and after a couple of weeks. Winter will leave before that. The country may fall prey to the bone-chilling cold wave before leaving.

A mild cold wave has been prevailing in the north-western part of the country since last Thursday. According to the Meteorological Department, this is the third cold spell of the current season. Decreased winter intensity.

However, the country is covered with thick fog. This is disrupting the movement of ships on different routes of the country. The visibility on the roads and highways is going down from midnight to morning. In addition, air traffic is being disrupted.

Domestic and international flights have to be delayed. The minimum temperature in the country on Saturday was 9.6 degrees Celsius in Srimangal and 29.8 degrees Celsius in Teknaf.

The minimum temperature in Dhaka was 15.4 degrees Celsius. Hafizur Rahman said there was no cold wave yesterday except in Rajarhata and Srimangal. The intensity of winter has decreased somewhat. This has happened because of the clouds. After that it may increase again.