Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said four mega projects, including the Padma Bridge, would be inaugurated by June next year.

He was speaking at a press briefing on contemporary issues at the conference room of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges at the Secretariat on Sunday.

Obaidul Quader said work on Dhaka Elevated Expressway, Metro Rail and Karnafuli Tunnel including Padma Bridge is in progress. These four mega projects will be inaugurated by June next year.

Responding to a question from reporters, Awami League general secretary Quader said, "There are three mega projects in the government that I am fulfilling my responsibilities. Work on Dhaka Elevated Expressway, Metro Rail, Padma Bridge, Karnafuli Tunnel is in progress. I will be able to inaugurate all of them by June next year, I am working towards that goal.

He added that the government's goal is to implement the electoral challenge. The main challenge is to implement the promises made in the manifesto.

Obaidul Quader said that Corona has turned the whole world into a valley of death. In Bangladesh, under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, on the one hand, I am dealing with Corona and keeping the economy afloat. Foreign exchange has reached 43 billion, growth is in line with expectations. We are moving forward from all sides, moving towards digital Bangladesh.

Referring to the election manifesto at the time, he added that for Corona, many have lost their jobs, become unemployed, rehabilitating them and giving them jobs is a challenge. Our manifesto is supposed to provide employment opportunities to the unemployed.

Regarding the opening of educational institutions, Quader said, "If the situation is a little normal, there is a decision to open educational institutions. The Prime Minister will decide that."

Regarding the availability of corona vaccine in Bangladesh, he said the health minister had said that the vaccine could be available by the end of January.

At this time, the government needs to have continuity to continue the development, the bridge minister said.