When the whole world is devastated by the deadly coronavirus, the people of the world get some relief from the discovery of the vaccine. Pfizer and Modern vaccines have already hit the market. The vaccine has been approved in several countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. Vaccination has also started in those countries. The World Health Organization has also approved the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine.

Like other countries, Israel has begun administering Pfizer-Biotech vaccines to its citizens. However, 240 new Israeli vaccinators have been infected with the corona. According to various sources, the Russian media RT and the Times of Israel reported the information.

According to Channel 13, 240 people have been infected with the virus despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being vaccinated in the country. Immunity will not develop within a few days of getting the vaccine, experts say. As a rule, two doses of the vaccine should be taken.

Mild side effects were seen in about a thousand people after taking the injection. These include weakness, dizziness and fever. Pain, swelling, and redness at the injection site were reported.

The Israeli health ministry said some of them would have to follow a doctor's advice for some time.

One study found that the vaccine boosted immunity eight to ten days after the first injection to prevent corona infection. The first dose reduces the risk of infection by up to 50 percent. The second dose of this vaccine will be taken in 21 days, the concerned said. Seven days later, experts claim that it is effective in preventing 95 percent covid. However, after taking the full dose of Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine, the risk of getting coronavirus remains 5 percent.

According to a number of statistics published in the Israeli media, the general public should be careful when taking the covid-vaccine. It is recommended to follow the rules of Covid-19 after taking the first and second doses of the vaccine.

On December 20 last year, Prime Minister Netanyahu launched a mass vaccination program in the Jewish state. One lakh people have already been brought under the Pfizer vaccine as a matter of urgency. Which is 12 percent of the country's population. Oxford's vaccine is also expected to reach Israel soon.