Residents of Saudi Arabia will witness a rare sight tomorrow, Thursday. On this day the holy Kaaba Sharif and the full moon will be seen at the same time.

This was reported by Majid Abu Zahrar, Chief Engineer, Astronomical Science Society. Several international media outlets, including the Middle East Monitor and the Saudi Gazette, have reported that the Kaaba and the moon will be seen together in Mecca on Thursday (January 28th).

This day is said to be the fourteenth day of the lunar month. It is known that this is going to be considered as the first sensational event in Saudi Arabia in 2021.

On this day, people of all classes and professions in Saudi Arabia are preparing to enjoy the moon in the Kaaba desert. Earlier, on November 26 and December 24, 2018, Kaaba Sharif and the moon were seen in the same way.

The last such scene was seen in March last year. This is seen every year. Which is located on the right side of Masjidul Haram.