Police have arrested an old man in Rajshahi for molesting women in the name of begging. A video of the incident was spread on social media on Sunday and the city's Boalia police arrested him at night.

His name is Enamul Haque alias Bulu (72). The house is in Kalinagar village of Manda upazila of Naogaon. He lives with his wife and children in the Shekherchak Panchanimath area of ​​the city. He used to touch the sensitive parts of women's bodies in the crowd while begging.

Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) spokesman Golam Ruhul Quddus told a news conference at the city's Boalia Model Police Station on Monday afternoon that the video of women touching sensitive parts of the crowd in the name of begging came to their notice after it went viral. After that, the police started arresting him. He was arrested late at night after his identity was confirmed. A young woman has filed a case against him under the Women and Child Abuse Prevention Act after his arrest. The young woman said that the old man had molested her on December 26 last year.

RMP spokesperson Golam Ruhul Quddus told a news conference that he was addicted to touching women's sensitive organs. I have been receiving such complaints for several days. But he could not be identified. After the video went viral, it was easy to identify him. He was sent to jail through the court on Monday afternoon.