One militant group after another is carrying out terrorist activities in Afghanistan. There are also allegations that foreign militants have been heavily sponsored by the Taliban. On Saturday, Amrullah Saleh, Afghanistan's first vice president, claimed that Pakistan had provided thousands of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to the Taliban.

Amrullah Saleh presented a report at a security meeting at 8:30 am on Saturday. There, he claimed, Afghan intelligence recently found a landmine in Kabul's Musahi district. The landmine was later deactivated. This remote controlled device is complex. It is not available in Afghanistan or available on the open market. He alleged that such landmines were in Pakistan. If you want to buy these, you have to get permission from the government.

The country's first vice president said the National Directorate of Security (NDS) was prepared to share information with the public and the media about how Pakistan had given thousands of such landmines to the Taliban.

Amrullah Saleh said Afghan National Security Forces had arrested five people in the past 24 hours. They were arrested from Kabul on charges of transporting sticky mines.

A delegation from the Taliban in Afghanistan recently met with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. The official meeting, for the first time, discussed the peace process in Afghanistan as well as ways to strengthen ties between the two neighboring countries.

A delegation from the group, led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban's deputy chief of political affairs, met with Imran Khan in Islamabad. Arrangements have been made for a Taliban delegation to visit Pakistan to help speed up the peace process in Afghanistan.

Expressing concern over the recent escalation of violence in Afghanistan, he said both the government and the Taliban must refrain from violence if peace is to be established in the country.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan has warned of conspiracies to sabotage the Afghan peace process, saying some quarters do not want peace in Afghanistan and everyone should be vigilant about these quarters.