Police have arrested Nuru Baburchi alias Nuru Dakat and his three sons in Barisal's Hijla Upazila. Police arrested them from Andharmanik village of Mehendiganj upazila near Hijla border around 2.30pm on Friday.

Besides Nuru, his three sons are Enamul Baburchi (21), Imran Baburchi (19) and Ehsan Baburchi. Nuru Baburchi, who was released in July after serving 14 years in an arms case, brutally hacked and injured his brother Dulal Baburchi and his wife Nilfa Begum, cousin Kanchan Baburchi and Kanchan Baburchi's son Shahid Baburchi last Thursday evening.

Nuru Baburchi is the son of Hashem Baburchi of Koralia village in Guabaria union of Hijla upazila. Nuru chopped and crippled each of them. This has created panic in the Guabaria area of ​​Hijla.

Guabaria Union Parishad Chairman Shahjahan Talukder said Nuru Baburchi is a terrible terrorist. He was released in July last year after serving 14 years in an arms case. Since then, he has hacked and injured 4 blood relatives. One of the terrors in the area is called 'Nuru Baburchi'.

Hijla Police Station OC Asim Kumar Sikder said his three sons Enamul, Imran and Ehsan were arrested along with Nuru Baburchi. Along with Nuru, his 3 sons also took part in every attack on the opponent with sharp weapons. Nuru Baburchi is being interrogated. He will be sent to court on Sunday. A total of 6 cases including a gang rape against Nuru Baburchi are pending in Hijla police station.