Both sides are firm. As a result, no solution was found in the seventh round of talks between the agitating farmers of India. The next meeting is scheduled for January 8.

According to news agency PTI, the government has not agreed to repeal the three new agricultural laws in response to farmers' demands. The government wants an expert committee to look into the matter. After the meeting, the Union Agriculture Minister of India said, "We agreed to negotiate in accordance with the provisions of the new Agriculture Act. But the farmers' organizations are adamant in demanding the repeal of the law. As a result, no consensus could be reached. I hope the next meeting will resolve the issue. 'In this situation, it has been decided that the next meeting between the government and the farmers will be held on January 8.

Rakesh Tikayet, leader of the Indian Farmers' Union, who attended the meeting, said the protesting farmers were adamant in demanding the repeal of the three new agricultural laws. No alternative proposal or formation of committee will be accepted.

According to the Modi government, the two sides have come to an agreement on two of the four demands of the farmers. However, farmer leader Rakesh Tikaet said the meeting discussed the repeal of three farmers' laws and the law on minimum support prices. He also warned that the movement would not be withdrawn until the agricultural law was repealed.