Newly elected US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in. Kamala Harris, the first female vice president in US history, was sworn in at 11:15 pm Bangladesh time (12 noon Washington local time) on Wednesday. Jennifer Lopez performed the music after her swearing in. Soon after, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

The oath was administered by Chief Justice John Roberts on the West Front of the Capitol Building in Washington.

Arrive at Biden Capitol Hill half an hour before the swearing-in. At this time his wife said. Jill Biden was also present. The event began with the performance of the American national anthem by renowned musician Lady Gaga.

Joe Biden read the affidavit with a copy of the family's 127-year-old Bible. The Democrat then took the presidency. On the occasion of the inauguration of the newly elected president, various other events will be held throughout the day.

Meanwhile, outgoing President Donald Trump did not attend the swearing-in ceremony. He has rejected the election results. Trump has left the White House for Florida.

However, outgoing Vice President Mike Pence was present on the occasion. Also present were former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and former First Lady Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton. Jimmy Carter, 96, the oldest of the former presidents, and former First Lady Roslyn Carter did not attend the ceremony, but sent greetings to the newly elected president.

According to the BBC, the atmosphere on Capitol Hill is very calm and serious now. But just two weeks ago, Trump supporters attacked there. Capitol Hill was vandalized. So that five were killed.

Biden and Harris read the oath in the middle of the day, the report said. He will go to the White House at the end of the day. That is his home for the next four years.

There is usually extensive security around the inauguration of the president. But after the attack on the Capital on January 8, security has been tightened. 25,000 troops are guarding the event in front of Capitol Hill.

Before the inauguration, the entire city has been wrapped in a security blanket. Public movement has been stopped in many areas of the city.