Ambassador of Nepal. Banshidhar Mishra said that the relations between Bangladesh and Nepal are very deep and friendly. In terms of development, Nepal has achieved 7.1 percent growth near Bangladesh before the Kovid epidemic. Although there was a lot of potential for trade between the two countries, it was not possible to take advantage of it.

The Ambassador of Nepal Dr. Mahbubul Alam exchanged views with the President of The Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the World Trade Center on Monday. Banshidhar Mishra. At the time, the director of the chamber. Ahid Siraj Chowdhury (Swapan), Anjan Shekhar Das, Md. Abdul Mannan Sohail, Tajmeem Mostafa Chowdhury and Sakif Ahmed Salam, Secretary to the Ambassador Riya Setri, officials of the Chamber Secretariat were present.

It is learned that the Ambassador of Nepal thanked the Government of Bangladesh for providing 50,000 metric tons of urea fertilizer, allowing Nepal to use Chittagong and Mongla ports for import-export trade and allowing the use of Syedpur Airport to increase air connectivity. Banshidhar Mishra.

The Ambassador envisages long term road map, increase in number of flights by air, development of road connectivity, rail connectivity through Chilmari, transport of goods through river Padma of Bangladesh through river Ganges of India, export of hydropower to Bangladesh during monsoon season and similar import of power from Bangladesh in winter season. This will bring about a landmark change in bilateral trade through the import of vegetables, fruits, etc. produced in Nepal during the summer by Bangladesh.

Businesses can also benefit by investing in opportunities provided by both governments, with an emphasis on increasing people-to-people contacts, increasing cooperation in agriculture and technology. After the exchange of views, the Ambassador visited the Permanent Exhibition Hall of the World Trade Center.