Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has called upon those who are criticizing the Higher Secondary (HSC) and equivalent results published following the new system to refrain from unnecessary criticism. Negative comments about results will create stress on students.

I urge those who are making such comments to refrain from it. The results were officially announced by the International Mother Tongue Institute in the capital on Saturday morning. The Prime Minister joined the function through video conference from Ganobhaban. As the exams were not held due to Kovid-19 epidemic, this time the results of HSC have been evaluated on the basis of average results of SSC and JSC exams. The results were released through a 75 per cent adjustment from SSC and 25 per cent from JSC-JDC. The Prime Minister said many are talking a lot. But I think it's better not to talk about unnecessary comments or bitterness.

That is why they (students) are able to go to school, college and university, which is a big obstacle in their lives. In this situation, many people are making negative comments about their results and methods which will create emotional stress on the students. Supporting not to take HSC and equivalent exams, Sheikh Hasina said the government took this decision to ensure health protection of students, teachers and other staff. She said that many people are talking about sensitive issues.

But if this test was held then who would be responsible if someone was infected? Would those who were criticizing the new method of producing results take responsibility? She said that if anyone was attacked by Corona during the examination, the critics would start new criticism against the government. Sheikh Hasina said, You will find faults there anyway, but they never think about the consequences of this criticism. Regarding the reopening of educational institutions, the Prime Minister said the way the government has been able to control Kovid-19 and if everyone follows proper hygiene, it will come under complete control.

We will soon be able to reopen our educational institutions," she said. "The government will monitor the situation in Corona in February, as it was widespread in the country in March last year." We will take steps to launch it, we have such a plan.

The Prime Minister requested Sabail to follow proper hygiene rules. Education Minister Dipu Moni and Deputy Education Minister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Nawfel also addressed the function. On behalf of the Prime Minister, the Education Minister took a summary of the HSC results from the Chairmen of the Boards of Education.