North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong Un has announced an increase in military power. The country's official media published a news on Thursday. Kim Jong Un made the announcement while addressing the Workers' Party Congress.

He said it was necessary to increase the security of the country. He also announced a number of plans to rapidly increase military power.

The Workers' Party Congress is usually held every five years. In that program, plans for the next five years are to be taken. However, the last time it happened in North Korea was in 2016. It was held 35 years later. Kim suddenly announced Congress this year. This is the first time he has been seen giving a speech in military attire.

According to some experts, Kim is trying to increase pressure on the new US president before he is sworn in. That is why he has announced an increase in military power.

No clear information has been found on whether nuclear weapons are included in the plan to increase military power. In fact, Trump met with Kim after coming to power. They also talked about nuclear weapons. Although that discussion did not go very far. However, under Trump, Kim did not talk too much about nuclear weapons. In the face of the new president's arrival, some quarters think that Kim is trying to provoke him again.

Two days ago, Kim discussed the country's economy at that Congress. Admittedly, what he thought about the economy did not materialize. He practically accepted that the country was economically backward. However, he also said that he has a long-term plan on how to work on correcting that mistake in the coming days.