China wants to finance militants to carry out attacks on US troops in Afghanistan. Recently, some media outlets in the United States have published such information. They claim that the Pentagon informed President Donald Trump about this on December 16. However, it is not clear whether Trump has taken any action in this regard. It is not clear who China wanted to pay.

Since Corona's time, US relations with China have been deteriorating. Trump has openly opposed China. Some experts believe that if Joe Biden comes to power, US relations with China could improve. The news was published by the US media.

According to Pentagon sources, China wanted to launch an attack on US troops in Afghanistan. But not directly. China wanted to use Afghan militants in this work. He also wanted to pay them. There are about 2,000 US troops in Afghanistan at the moment. Those who are working with NATO forces. In November, Trump said the troops would be repatriated by January 15. NATO, however, opposed the statement.

According to experts, Afghanistan has a small border with China in Xinjiang province. China has always wanted to increase its dominance in Afghanistan through that border. Not only that, Uyghur Muslims live in Xinjiang province. China has to listen to different things about it from time to time. China's idea is that US troops also monitor China in the border areas.

As a result, China has long demanded that US troops leave Afghanistan. China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and America share a platform. Afghanistan is also discussed there. China has repeatedly called for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. But other countries did not want to accept it.

That's why China wanted to attack US troops with the help of Afghan fighters, according to US media reports. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. It remains to be seen whether the United States will adopt a new policy towards China in the wake of this incident.