Majid Takhte Ravanchi, Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations, said Tehran had succeeded in dealing with the coronavirus despite strict US economic sanctions on his country.

He made the remarks in a post on his official Twitter page on Monday.

Despite the US-imposed economic war against the Iranian people, the Iranian government has succeeded in controlling the Corona," Ravantchi wrote in his post.

Takht-e Ravanchi also spoke about US President-elect Joe Biden and his foreign policy team expressing interest in returning to the Iran nuclear deal. "Tehran is in no hurry to see if the next US president will implement his promise and lift sanctions on Iran," he said.

Outgoing US President Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in May 2016 and imposed tough economic sanctions on Tehran. He claims that his administration has adopted a policy of "exerting maximum pressure" on the country to force Iran to negotiate with Washington in its language. But in the end, Trump will have to step down tomorrow (January 20), keeping in mind the desire to negotiate with Iran.