Professor Jean-Franois Delfrasi, France's top medical adviser, said a third nationwide lockdown could soon be held to fight the coronavirus. There was a strict curfew last week. Despite this, the number of corona cases is increasing rapidly. This was reported by the online BBC. 

It said Professor Delfrasi, head of the Council of Scientists in France, had advised leaders on the Corona issue. He said the state of emergency was ongoing. Infections are also on the rise. He called on the government to take immediate action for this.

This is because there is growing concern about the speed at which the new type of corona virus has spread. He says the new corona virus variant that has been identified for the first time in Britain is highly contagious. About 7 to 9 percent of the people currently infected with the virus in France are infected with the virus. This infection must be stopped. 

However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat France. But he sees a new variant of the virus as the equivalent of a second pandemic. "If we don't tighten the restrictions, we will find ourselves in a very difficult situation from mid-March," said Professor Delfresi. He said this in an interview given to BFM television. 

The French government is scheduled to meet on Wednesday to discuss whether there is a need to impose tougher sanctions on France. But so far it is known that many government officials are against giving a third lockdown. They are in favor of a curfew until late at night to keep schools open. Curfew is now in force in France from 6 pm. 

But the number of infections has been increasing day by day for the last seven days. On an average, at least 20,000 people are affected there every day. In the meantime, French Prime Minister Jean Castex has said that if the situation worsens, he will tighten sanctions without delay.