Today is the homecoming day of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. On this occasion, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressed the nation. She said, "On this auspicious occasion of Father of the Nation Homecoming Day, let us pledge that we will uphold the freedom we have earned in return for the highest sacrifices, if necessary, in return for the respect of 3 million martyrs and 200,000 oppressed mothers and sisters." InshaAllah, we will unite and play a practical role in realizing the dream of building a non-communal, hunger-free and developed-prosperous golden Bangladesh that the Father of the Nation dreamed of.

The Prime Minister said Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a great man born in the history of Bengali liberation struggle, was released from prison in Pakistan and returned home on this day in 1972. In the absence of this great leader, there was an imperfection in the excitement of the final victory in our war of liberation, just as his leadership in the reconstruction of the newly independent war-torn country was much awaited in the public perception. So on January 10, the people of Bengal got back their beloved leader and felt the taste of complete victory.

Sheikh Hasina said the Father of the Nation has struggled for 24 long years to liberate the Bengali nation from the shackles of subjugation. He has led everything from the language movement to the freedom struggle. Endured prison-torture, always made far-sighted decisions, and organized the team beyond personal interests. Under his leadership, the Bangladesh Awami League won an absolute majority in the 1970 elections. She became the undisputed leader of Bengal.

The Prime Minister said the Pakistani military junta ignored the verdict of the people and started a farce. Unarmed people of Bengal were shot and killed indiscriminately. In order to achieve ultimate independence, the Father of the Nation declared on March 7, 1971 in a crowd at the Racecourse Maidan - ‘... build forts in every house. ... This time the struggle is for our liberation; This time the struggle is for freedom. On the night of March 25, the Pakistani aggressors started killing the Bengalis. Bangabandhu declared the official independence of Bangladesh in the early hours of March 26.

Sheikh Hasina said that soon after the declaration of independence, the Pakistani forces arrested the father of the nation and sent him to a solitary confinement in Pakistan and tortured him indiscriminately. He was the lifeblood of the freedom fighters. Under his unwavering leadership, the Bengali nation fought to the death and snatched victory. '

The Prime Minister said the defeated Pakistani ruling class was forced to release Bangabandhu in the early hours of January 8, 1972. He landed in London at 6:36 a.m. the same day. There, at the invitation of the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, he immediately agreed to accept Bangladesh's membership - met with the British Prime Minister and held a press conference. The Father of the Nation left for Delhi on the morning of January 10, 1972 at 1.40 pm. On the same day, in a speech to a large crowd at the racecourse ground, he described the brutal torture of the Pakistani military junta. He also called on the United Nations to bring the Pakistani army to justice for its genocide during the Great War of Liberation.

Sheikh Hasina said the Father of the Nation took over as the Prime Minister on January 12, 1972 and deployed all his strength to rebuild war-torn Bangladesh. Due to his strong move, the Indian Allies left Bangladesh on 15 March 1972. He signed the first constitution of Bangladesh on 14 December 1972. In response to his call, various international organizations and friends, including the United Nations, quickly recognized Bangladesh. Under the magical leadership of Bangabandhu, Bangladesh rose to prominence in the world court in a very short time and emerged as a least developed country in just three and a half years from a war-torn country.

The Prime Minister said the anti-independence and war criminal clique brutally killed the father of the nation and his family on August 15, 1975 and introduced the politics of murder, coup and conspiracy in this country. They blocked the way for the trial of Bangabandhu's assassination by issuing an impeachment ordinance on September 26, 1975. The Mushtaq-Zia Chakra rewarded the killers with diplomatic jobs in Bangladesh embassies and also established them politically. Martial law kills democracy. Distorts the glorious history of the Liberation War. Hurts the constitution. Restricts freedom of expression. The BNP-Jamaat government continued this trend.

Sheikh Hasina said the Bangladesh Awami League government was formed in 1996 after 21 years of long struggle and many sacrifices. On November 12 of the same year, the Parliament passed the Immunity Ordinance Cancellation Act-1996. Through this all obstacles to the trial of Bangabandhu's assassination were removed.

We have won a landslide victory in the 2008 election manifesto by declaring a 'charter of change' and being elected by the people three times in a row," he said. We have executed the verdict of the murderers of the father of the nation. We have tried war criminals through the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal. We have ensured the right of the people to vote through the 15th amendment to the constitution, which has closed the way for illegal seizure of power, ”he said.

The Prime Minister said, "In the last twelve years, we have made unprecedented progress in all indicators of development. We are ranked among the top 5 countries in the world in terms of economic progress. We have brought the poverty rate below 20.5 percent. We have raised the per capita income to 2,064 US dollars. Now the average life expectancy of our people is 72.6 years. I am giving electricity facility to 99 percent people. With the installation of all the spans of the Padma Bridge, the two ends of one of the fast flowing rivers of the world are now connected. Construction of metro rail and expressways in the capital and tunnels under the Karnafuli river is progressing fast. We have modernized the road, rail and air communication system. Today we have delivered the benefits of Digital Bangladesh from house to house.

Mentioning that the number of internet users has crossed 11 crore, the Awami League president said that free employment opportunities have been created based on information technology. The door to Sunil-economy is now open as sovereignty has been established in the vast waters of the Bay of Bengal. With the successful implementation of the first ‘Bangladesh Perspective Plan’, the achievement of Vision-2021 is almost over. Mujib has promised that no one will be homeless. All the facilities of the city will be extended to the remote rural areas. We are working on the principle of 'Zero Tolerance' to eradicate militancy, terrorism and drugs. A master plan called 'Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100' has been adopted to achieve the 'Sustainable Development Goals' by 2030 and to formulate a 'Second Perspective Plan' to build a hunger-poverty-free developed-prosperous Bangladesh by 2041.

Sheikh Hasina said, "We have declared 2020-21 as the 'Year of Mujib' to celebrate the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation with due dignity." On March 26, 2021, we will celebrate the golden jubilee of independence. But in the meantime, the hostile Kovid-19 coronavirus has spread around the world in the form of an epidemic.

We are fighting for our lives to get rid of this epidemic by keeping the pre-announced plan digitally limited," he said. I have given 31 point instructions, I have appointed doctors-nurses-technicians for the transition period. In order to stand by the side of the poor and helpless people, to keep the wheel of the economy in motion and to continue the trend of development, we have given an incentive of Tk. 1 lakh 21 thousand 353 crore under 21 packages. Despite the Corona epidemic, we have achieved 5.24 percent GDP growth, ”said Sheikh Hasina.

The Prime Minister sought forgiveness of the soul of the great hero of independence, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of Homecoming Day.