U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday extended two immigration bans, barring many greencard applicants and temporary foreign workers from entering the country.

However, Trump said he took the step as a precautionary measure to protect U.S. workers in the event of an epidemic.

Immigration sanctions imposed by the Donald Trump administration in April and June expire on December 31. On Thursday, it was extended to March 31 this year. This is the latest decision by the outgoing Trump administration on immigration. However, various businesses have opposed the ban on foreign workers.

Newly-elected President Joe Biden will take office on January 20. He has criticized Trump for imposing the ban, but has not yet said whether he will lift it immediately. Trump, as president, has imposed the sanctions, which could be lifted quickly if desired.

At least 20 million people have lost their jobs since the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. In October, a federal judge in California suspended Trump's ban on foreign guest workers. Trump's ban went to court against millions of businessmen in the United States.

The U.S. Department of Justice has appealed the decision to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, with a hearing scheduled for Jan. 19.