The coronavirus is wreaking havoc around the world. The number of victims is increasing day by day. In the meantime, sensational information came to the fore. England has warned that the Covid vaccine could spread the disease to humans. Jonathan Van-Tam, the country's deputy chief medical officer, gave such information in a column in the Sunday Telegraph.

Van-Tam says, ‘Scientists do not yet know what the effects of corona can be after vaccination.

Even if the vaccine raises hopes, it will take time to reduce the rate of infection," he wrote.

Vaccines usually prevent any disease. Even if someone is infected with the related disease, he does not get seriously ill. No one gets infected from it. That is, the virus becomes weak after entering the body.

Several corona vaccines have been shown to be effective in the human body. That is, a job is guaranteed. No definite study has yet been done on whether the disease will infect others.