Narendra Modi and Imran Khan, the two prime ministers of South Asia and India and Pakistan, have congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden on his inauguration. The two immediately tweeted congratulations to Biden as soon as he was sworn in. Both prime ministers said they were looking forward to working with him.

Narendra Modi tweeted a total of four and Imran Khan one. Although Modi tweeted congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris separately, Imran tweeted only for Biden.

Modi wrote to Biden

My sincere congratulations to Joe Biden on taking over the presidency of the United States. I look forward to working with him to strengthen the India-US strategic partnership.

And Modi's tweet aimed at Kamala

Congratulations to Kamala Harris on being sworn in as Vice President. This is a historic event. In anticipation of talks with him to further strengthen India-US relations. India-US partnership is beneficial for our world.

 Imran's tweet aimed at Biden

I congratulate President Biden on his inauguration.

I look forward to working with the President of the United States to build a stronger partnership between Pakistan and the United States for trade and economic engagement, the fight against climate change, the improvement of public health, the fight against corruption, and peace in the region and beyond.

 Meanwhile, Chinese local and state media Xinhua in an editorial greeted Trump's expiration.