Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - China will not be able to join the free trade agreement under the current government. Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide made the remarks on a radio program on Sunday.

Xi Jinping recently gave a positive signal about joining the agreement. This was reported in a report by Nikkei Asia Review. China is willing to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the report said.

Speaking on a radio program on NHK World, the Japanese prime minister said he believed it was difficult for countries that do business to join the TPP. This is because the procedures that have been laid down for complying with its regulations are not conducive to a state-run business structure. He made the remarks in response to recent remarks by Xi Jinping.

China's presence in Asia could be further strengthened by joining the agreement at a time when the United States is considering a change of president. The Chinese president also said that China is willing to work for a broad and progressive agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

 Meanwhile, 40 percent of Japanese technology companies are closing their businesses in China, or have begun the process of taking, or are considering taking. A recent survey by Tokyo-based news agency Kyodo News found that. Kyodo authorities have contacted about 150 major Japanese businesses for the survey. Of these, 96 organizations have responded. The survey found that 42 of the participating companies wanted to move their supply systems from China to South or Southeast Asia. However, the Japanese government has requested the companies to bring back the manufacturing plants in their own country. However, only eight organizations are thinking positively about the government's call.

About 60 percent of organizations said they were conducting in-house training or had identified key technologies. Twenty-seven percent, or 26 organizations, said they had banned joint research with partners to prevent leaks of technical information. Six organizations said they had not yet taken any action. Only one organization is conducting joint research with others. Another important point of the survey is that 59 per cent of the participants, i.e. 57 companies are not using any kind of forced labor in the production of their products. They have also taken special measures to ensure this.