We have always told this Election Commission that it is not a neutral organization. BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said that the organization has now become a tailwind organization of the Awami League. Fakhrul said this while joining Shawkat Chowdhury BNP. He said that it has been proved through the joining of Shawkat Chowdhury that the people of Bangladesh now want democracy.

The people of Bangladesh want to talk now. Want to get their rights back. But it is unfortunate that a government elected without a vote today is using the state apparatus to usurp power unjustly. Since this government came to power, peace in this country has been completely disrupted.

The country's justice system has been destroyed since this government came to power. The administration has lost its neutrality since this government came to power. He said that the election commission has become a part of the Awami League. He said the chief election officer has no personality and according to the constitution he has no power to run the body. You have seen that the city corporation election was held in Chittagong yesterday.

You have seen in the papers what happened in this election. Absolutely bloody election. Two or three died. No BNP agent was allowed to stay at the center. They were physically abused and expelled. Sadly, the administration is now being used to the fullest in elections.

BNP's opponent is no longer Awami League, BNP's opponent is now police administration. Also present on the occasion were BNP's Rangpur Divisional Organizing Secretary Asadul Habib Dulu, Rajshahi Divisional Organizing Secretary Ruhul Quddus Talukder Dulu, Rangpur Divisional Co-Organizing Secretary Abdul Khaleq. , Syedpur organizational district BNP convener Abdul Gafur Sarkar, central executive committee member Farhad Hossain Azad, Rangpur district BNP leader Saiful Islam and others.