As peace talks between the Taliban and the government continue in Doha, the capital of Qatar, Afghanistan is once again bleeding. Separate attacks in the southern provinces of Uruzgan and Helmand on Thursday killed 11 people, including five civilians.

A member of the provincial council gave this news.

The council member from Uruzgan province said a military camp in Tirinkot was attacked. However, he did not confirm the death toll. But the blast was so powerful that it shook the whole city. However, local media reported that six members of the security forces were killed in Uruzgan.

Earlier on Wednesday, five civilians were killed in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province. Ataullah Afghan, head of the provincial council, gave the news. He said all the victims were women and children.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. Provincial Governor Abdul Nabi Ilham said an investigation was under way to determine who was responsible.