Founder and Trustee of the Public Health Center. Jafrullah Chowdhury says the current Election Commission (EC) is the serial killer of democracy. And one of the allies of the commission is the current ruling government. This commission, backed by the government, bureaucrats and police, is killing democracy, hopes and aspirations one after another. This election commission will be brought under punishment by establishing democracy. He said this at a rally in front of the National Press Club on Friday at the initiative of the council demanding cancellation of the registration system of political parties. Jafrullah Chowdhury said that 42 senior citizens of the country have clearly shown that the Election Commission has killed democracy. They are immersed in corruption. They get government salary.

Apart from this, they also get separate money for giving lectures. They also want a lifetime pension. Protecting the interests of the country is not their goal. He said the constitution is not a book. It is as sacred as the scriptures. Because it guarantees my rights. The right to decide who will run my country, the right to vote. This government is violating the constitution. They are not elected. They are established by the bureaucracy, by the police, at night.

Their theft-robbery is a unique history of the world today. Jafrullah said that the MPs of Bangladesh are punished in the courts of other countries. What is more shameful than this? But our court is asleep. There is a case in the name of an innocent person, there is a jail. There is nothing more shameful than this. Calling for the resignation of Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder, Zafarullah said that Election Commissioner Mahbub has spoken well. But why did he not resign? What is the benefit from his election commission? I am requesting Mahbub Talukdar to resign. If you resign, we will be energized.

The countrymen will understand that even if there is one, there is a voice of protest. Through this protest we will create a new Bangladesh. Jafrullah said, "Today we have to take to the streets together." We once took to the streets to save democracy. Saiful Haque, general secretary of the Revolutionary Workers Party of Bangladesh, said the people's dreams have been shattered by the failure of the ruling class and the ruling group in this country.

The Election Commission and the law enforcement agencies have been working directly and indirectly for the government parties without fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Convener of the organization Syed Harun Aur Rashid presided over the function. .