Abdul Quader Mirza, mayor of Basurhat municipality in Noakhali, younger brother of Awami League general secretary and bridge minister Obaidul Quader, rushed to the houses of opposition candidates with sweets the day after he won the election. On Sunday afternoon, he went to the house of his opponent BNP's Kamal Uddin Chowdhury on College Road and Jamaat-backed candidate Maulana Mosharraf Hossain's KG School Road.

In a separate meeting, Quader Mirza sought their cooperation in running the municipality including anti-politics, corruption, terrorism and drug ban. "I have won a fair and impartial election because of your cooperation," he said. This victory is not only mine, but yours as well.

The mayor was accompanied by Upazila Awami League President Bir Muktijoddha Khizir Hayat Khan, Basurhat Municipality Awami League President Jamal Uddin, Upazila Chhatra League President Nizam Uddin Munna, Upazila Jamaat Amir Belayet Hossain, Jamaat leader Kamal Uddin and others. Earlier in the morning, Quader Mirza met the people of different wards of the municipality and expressed his gratitude to them. When he came to the municipality office, leaders of various political parties, journalists' organizations, business organizations and professional organizations, including leaders and activists of his own party, greeted him warmly and congratulated him.

At that time, he said, 'there are many MPs in the area, they do not keep their promises in the election. If they had kept at least 70-80 percent of their promises even if they could not get 100 percent, then the Awami League would have won all the elections that are taking place now. He said, 'No leader of any party has come to our Kompaniganj to help the helpless and poor in the Corona epidemic. I stood like a mountain beside the poor and helpless and helped.

Quader Mirza further said, 'We will bid farewell to the politics of arms from Companiganj forever. I will discuss with the leaders of the opposition those who have weapons. I informed BNP candidate Kamal Uddin Chowdhury about the two of them.