The first case of coronavirus was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The country was then able to tightly control the corona. But with the recent rise of corona, there have been local crackdowns, including travel bans, including lockdowns.

Meanwhile, about eight months after the infection subsided, another case of coronavirus death has been reported in China.

The country's National Health Commission said on Thursday. The deceased was a resident of Hubei province.

A state of emergency was declared in China's Heilongjiang province on Wednesday as the infection continued to rise. The province is home to more than 37 million people. Lockdown has also been imposed in several Hubei cities surrounding the capital, Beijing.

The people have been told not to leave the province and not to hold meetings unless absolutely necessary. Authorities took the initiative after 28 corona patients were identified in the province on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, a team of 10 world-renowned scientists arrived in China on Thursday morning. They have to stay in quarantine for two weeks.