The coronavirus epidemic in 2020 seems to have stopped the pace of the world. The normal life of the people has come to a standstill. The pace of life of Canadians has come to an end with the rest of the world. Many lives have been lost in the hands of Corona. Although the Canadian government's efforts since the beginning of the epidemic have been praised, Coroner has had a profound effect on the mental health of Canadians.

According to one study, at least 40 percent of Canadians suffer from mental health and alcohol addiction during Coronado. According to the Ipsos survey, the loss of jobs, social isolation and travel restrictions during the epidemic have had a negative impact on the mental health of Canadians.

The survey found that Canadians are now in worse mental health than before the epidemic. This has increased the cost of alcohol. Two out of five Canadians surveyed said their alcohol consumption had increased by 20 percent due to corona.

The spread of corona has left the world in a state of uncertainty. The news is constantly circulating in the media, how fast the virus is spreading, thousands of people are being infected, many are dying, the medical system of one country is collapsing under the pressure of patients. Seeing, hearing and reading these news have created anxiety in the minds of millions of people. It has also had an adverse effect on Canada.

Meanwhile, vaccinations have already begun in various Canadian provinces. Although frontliners, health workers and senior citizens will be vaccinated earlier on a priority basis. Then gradually everyone in the country will get a vaccine - that is the expectation of Canadians. And those concerned think that getting vaccinated will improve their mental health.

According to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), as of Friday morning, the number of corona cases in Canada was 5,84,409. The epidemic has killed 15,767 people in the country.