In January 2021, world-renowned scientists will travel to Wuhan, China to find the source of the corona. And their scientists have announced their full support.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been quoted as saying that the expert team will visit Uhan in January 2021. Uhan's scientists would welcome an investigation into allegations of coronavirus transmission from the laboratory.

On the news of WHO scientists visiting Uhan, Professor Xi Zhengli said any visit would be welcomed to prove that the allegations were baseless. Shi Zhengli, head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The BBC reports that it is difficult to reach the Tongguan area of ​​southwest China's Yunnan Province at the best time. But when a BBC team recently tried to visit there, it was impossible.

Plainclothes police officers and other officials of the BBC's journalists have followed unnumbered vehicles. Even if the journalist's car is stopped, their car is also stopped behind.