A writ petition has been filed in the High Court seeking directions to ban the popular apps TikTok, Likee and Bigo, citing the safety of the youth. The Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Secretary of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, the Secretary of the Ministry of Information, the Chairman of the BTRC and the IG of Police have been named as defendants.

Today, Wednesday, the Supreme Court lawyer. JR Khan (Robin) filed the writ petition in the public interest in the concerned branch of the High Court. At the same time, instructions have been sought as to why the failure of those concerned to close / ban the apps mentioned in the writ should not be declared illegal.

Lawyer said about the writ. JR Khan Robin said, ‘These apps are misleading the younger generation. It is destroying morality, social values ​​and mutual respect. They are taking part in criminal activities by getting involved in teenage gangs, becoming violent. Young people want to gain cheap popularity through these apps and start thinking of themselves as popular. '

According to the writ petition, the Bigo-Live app targets young people and youths who come to live with obscene gestures and vulgar offers and sex traps through mobile banking.

It is said that through the TikTok app, many teenagers are making videos by dyeing their hair in bizarre colors and following foreign subcultures, so that there is violent and ugly content. In addition to dancing, singing and acting in short videos, the young women have uploaded the basis of their smoking and lead consumption.

Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i'll tell ya. The young generation is spreading pornographic videos by going to this short video creation and sharing platform. By engaging in these activities, on the one hand, the young society is being ruined, on the other hand, their education is also under extreme threat.

Earlier, lawyer Robin sent a notice in the public interest on October 8 to take appropriate action within 15 days. But he filed a writ petition as the appropriate authorities did not take any action in this regard.