The strike of Rangpur Medical College (RAMEC) Hospital's Intern Medical Council has been called off. The program was called off on Friday after satisfactory discussions.

Rahgir Al Mahi Saad Ershad, Member of Parliament for Rangpur-3 constituency, sat in a discussion with the staff council and intern doctors in the hospital's director's room. After listening to both sides, he reached an agreement between the staff and the interns and returned to work. Present at the time, the director of Romek Hospital. Rostam Ali and Assistant Director. Mokaddem Hossain.

At noon on December 24, a female intern doctor had an argument with Shahidul Islam, a hospital employee, over the discharge of a patient at the CCU. After that, the intern doctor informed the leaders of the intern medical council of Rangpur Medical College Hospital. Shah Nawaz Sarkar Milon and joint secretary Saikat Ahmed informed the assistant director of the hospital and went to the CCU to address the matter. When he talked to the employee about the matter, he became more angry and brought the leaders of the employees' council to the ward, threatened the intern again and misbehaved.

The Intern Physicians' Council came to know about this incident and started a strike from the evening of December 24. Patients suffer in this way. When the situation at the hospital became turbulent, the hospital authorities sat down to discuss with the staff and interns on Friday.

The director of the hospital said. Rostam Ali said, "We have resolved the issue through discussion." The interns have returned to their work. The medical system of the hospital is normal.