Administrative officer Nur Uddin has been accused of offering to keep a student of Barisal Islami Bank Nursing Institute in private. He has been accused of making this unethical proposal to enforce the student's salary waiver application.

When the student lodged a written complaint with the authorities, they refused to take the complaint at first. Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army. " However, other students are fearing that the matter will be covered up. The incident took place last November. The victim's house is in Pirojpur.

It is learned that the student could not pay the full salary of the nursing institute during the coronation period. Nur Uddin, an administrative officer of the institute, was pressuring him in the messenger group for arrears of salary. The student said that she will not be able to pay the salary at the moment. At one stage of the conversation, the administrative officer Nur Uddin showed the temptation to waive the salary and asked the student to meet him in private. If you want to get something, you have to pay something, said the official. The student reacted angrily. Embarrassed by this, administrative officer Nur Uddin threatened the student that she would not be able to pass out of the institute if she did not listen to him. The student lodged a written complaint with the principal along with a screenshot of the messenger.

The student, who could not be named, said she kept the matter secret for fear of losing her dignity. But he was forced to open his mouth when the administrative officer offered to meet him in private and arrange for him to stay the night. When he went to lodge a written complaint on December 14, he claimed that he had mental problems and the college administration hesitated to lodge a complaint. Last Thursday (December 24), the institute authorities accepted his written complaint after his classmates threatened the movement.

The student demanded justice after investigating the incident. However, the students have doubts about getting a fair trial as the principal sided with the accused administrative officer.

Nur Uddin, the accused administrative officer of the Islami Bank Nursing Institute, said he did not make immoral proposals to anyone. A third party can cause such incidents on Messenger by using fake ID to trap him.

Aklima Begum, principal of the institute, said she had received a written complaint from the student. The whole matter is being investigated impartially. If the allegation against the administrative officer is proved, appropriate action will be taken against him. And if that student makes a false accusation, she will also be punished.