The name of the Chinese city of Wuhan has spread around the world since the first coronavirus was reported. Corona was born in this city in Hunan province. This is known in the preliminary report. According to a report in the Times of India, the people of Uhan have objections to this. Residents are desperate to prove that Corona was not born there. According to the World Health Organization, a team of international scientists is going to Wuhan, China to find the source of Kovid-19. Beijing has objected to a separate investigation into the virus. That's why the World Health Organization has had to negotiate for months to gain access to the city.

The deadly virus is thought to have originated in one of Uhan's marine fish markets, but its origins have led to growing tensions with China and several countries, including the United States. The purpose of the investigation is to find out when the virus started spreading and whether it originated from Uhan. The activities of this investigation team in Uhan may last for four to five weeks. At the beginning of the epidemic, the virus was thought to have been transmitted to humans from a "raw market" fish in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Experts now have the idea, not the onset, that the virus was widespread in that market. In December last year, Li Wenliang, a doctor at Wuhan Central Hospital, warned his colleagues about a possible infection with a new disease. Infected patients were infected with the deadly virus during treatment in February. Lee died. In April, new allegations and suspicions emerged about the source of the coronavirus. It is said that the virus probably spread from a laboratory in Uhan. A letter from the US State Department also indicated that embassy staff were concerned about the laboratory's biosecurity. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said at the time that although the virus was not "man-made" or "genetically modified", officials were investigating whether the outbreak began with animal contact or a laboratory accident.