Outgoing President Donald Trump is making a last-ditch effort to hold on to the US masnad by issuing martial law. Trump can do anything to stay in power at the last minute. On the one hand, they are announcing general amnesty one after another, on the other hand, they are still trying desperately to change the election results.

Within 48 hours, Trump pardoned a total of 41 criminals, including himself, and commuted their sentences. Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's father, Charles Kushner, and almost everyone on the waiver list are his own people. The President's announcement of a general amnesty for his own people is unprecedented in the world.

As the day of the swearing in of the new President Joe Biden draws closer, fears are growing in the minds of the people.

The question now is which path Trump will take to stay in power at the end of his term without losing the election. Political analysts also fear that martial law may be imposed in the end. Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn's recent remarks to the US media have made this fear even more credible.

In an interview with Newsmax, Flynn said Trump has won the November 3 election. By seizing the voting machine, President Trump can re-elect the hanging states with martial law. Many military and civilian officials, including retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, have protested Michael Flynn's suggestion of martial law. In an interview with MSNBC, former National Security Council member Barry McCaffrey, a retired four-star general, said he would not obey any illegal instructions given to the military.

Donald Trump on Tuesday released 15 people using the president's constitutional powers. Two of them are former lawmakers.

The two were involved in Russia's interference in the 2016 US elections. One is his former campaign assistant. As evidenced by the release from his long list of crimes and punishments, Trump is keeping everything open. Trump is also pushing hard to stay in power for another four years by changing the outcome of the vote. On Wednesday, Trump announced a general amnesty for 26 more people.

Usually these general amnesty lists are made through the judiciary. Everyone is waiting to see how many people Trump forgives until January 20. He once said that he could even sign an apology for himself. Trump is said to be able to accept a general apology for himself at the last minute by giving power to Vice President Mike Pence.

Before January 20, Donald Trump's vision is now January 6. On this day, there is a constitutional formality to take the votes received from the Electoral College in the joint session of the Congress.

Never before in the history of the United States have there been major incidents in these constitutional formalities. This time the situation is completely different because of Trump. Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the joint session of Congress.