The US Navy's strategy last Thursday night identified the country's naval, Marine Corps and Coast Guard chiefs as the biggest threat to the United States.

The head of the three divisions said the world's most powerful navy would have to take a risk if China's skyscraper military development and aggression in the Pacific were not stopped.

The 36-page strategy, published by the US Navy, states that every day at sea they have to compete with powers like China and Russia. The balance of power at sea over the next decade will depend on how the United States responds.

U.S. Marine Commander General David Berger, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Guilde and Coast Guard Chief of Staff Admiral Carl Schultz wrote with concern that they noticed that the Chinese navy was producing far more sophisticated weapons and that Russia was acting with extreme aggression.

The two officials said the two countries are enemies of the United States but China is becoming the biggest and long-term strategic threat. They also noted that China's military capabilities are increasingly challenging the United States.