Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Moha Shafiqul Islam said, "Traffic police boxes and citizen service centers can be set up in unused areas under flyovers in consultation with the city corporation." He said this.

The Dhaka police chief said, "The traffic police is the first to appear in case of any accident or crime on the road." They took necessary steps to send the victim to the hospital along with giving first aid. But during natural calamities or storms, there is no place for them to take shelter. Besides, they are suffering from various diseases including kidney disease as they do not have the necessary toilets to perform their natural functions.

Drishtinandan Shantinagar Traffic Police Box under Motijheel Traffic Department was present at the inauguration ceremony. ) Abdur Razzak and Unimed Unhealth: Pharmaceuticals Limited Managing Director M Mosaddek Hossain and Director Subhash Singh Roy.

Wahidul Islam, deputy commissioner of Motijheel traffic department, said the traffic police boxes set up at 20 intersections of Motijheel division would provide humanitarian assistance to the city dwellers along with traffic discipline. Each traffic police box will be a service center. Each traffic box will be equipped with first aid box, fire extinguisher, stretcher, potable water and other equipment. People injured or injured in road accidents will get necessary first aid services at traffic police boxes and citizen service centers.