A Royal Commission has been set up in New Zealand to investigate the terrorist attack on a mosque in Christchurch that killed at least 51 Muslims. The commission will release its report on Tuesday. Earlier, Prime Minister Jasinda Arden announced her commitment to ensure transparency. 

Brenton Tarant, a white supremacist Australian, shot and killed two mosques in Christchurch during Friday prayers on March 15 last year. Some Bangladeshis were also among the dead. A few players of the Bangladesh national cricket team visiting New Zealand were saved for a while. 

In August this year, a New Zealand court sentenced terrorist Trent to life without parole for the murder. The report of the commission is to be released in the parliament on Tuesday.

This commission of inquiry has been set up to look into whether the killings were a failure of any government agency or whether the killings could have been stopped. 

A 792-page report on the attack was made in about a year and a half. It includes interviews with hundreds of security officials, Muslim community leaders, international experts, and the prime ministers of England, Norway, Australia and New Zealand.