Relatives of about 500 people who died of the coronavirus are going to sue for compensation in Italy. They will file lawsuits against local authorities, the government and other parties.

The relatives prepared for the lawsuit on Wednesday, demanding 100 million euros in compensation, according to a Reuters report.

Relatives of the deceased in Corona said they would soon file a lawsuit against the Italian prime minister, health minister and Lombardy governor in a Rome court.

The first corona was discovered last December in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Then it spread all over the world. About 70,000 people have died from the virus in Italy so far.

An organization called 'We will go to court' comprising relatives of those killed in Corona has announced to go to court. This organization was formed last April.

In a statement, the organization's president, Lusa Fusco, said those who should have taken action did not; For them, this case is a Christmas present from us.