Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said the Awami League has ensured the empowerment of the people by restoring democratic continuity in the country and the country has been able to return to the path of development and the people are reaping its benefits.

She made the remarks in his inaugural address to the National Economic Council (NEC) on Tuesday. The Prime Minister said, "We have been able to return the power of the people to the people. We have returned their democratic rights to them, which has given impetus to our development. Ordinary people, villagers are getting its benefits. That is the biggest thing.

Sheikh Hasina said that after the assassination of the Father of the Nation in 1975, there was no democratic continuity in Bangladesh, the politics of assassination, coup and conspiracy started. One military ruler after another came to power, the power was imprisoned inside that cantonment. That is why the pace of development has not continued.

The Prime Minister virtually participated in the NEC meeting held this morning at the NEC Conference Center in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar via video conference from Ganobhaban to formulate the Eighth Five Year Plan (2021-2025).

Sheikh Hasina said her government is working towards the goal of building a hunger and poverty free Bangladesh which is the goal of the father of the nation. He said Bangladesh is moving forward and today Bangladesh has occupied the seat of dignity in the court of the world. But at one time, when people said Bangladesh, they used to think that this Bangladesh should reach out to everyone.

Bangabandhu's daughter further said, "Even though I was in the opposition party at that time, it would have hurt my self-esteem. Because, the father of the nation has struggled and suffered all his life. Millions of martyrs have brought freedom with their blood. It is a shame for us to see that independent country with such negligence.

She reiterated his gratitude to the people of the country for giving him the opportunity to serve the country by voting for the Awami League at this time. We have been able to take a long-term plan because they have elected us three times in a row.

She said, "We have taken initiative to implement the five-year plan as well as the 10-year plan from 2010 to 2020.

She also mentioned that his government has taken initiative to formulate and implement a separate perspective plan from 2021 to 2041 and a 100-year term 'Delta Plan-2100'.

We need to come up with a few more five-year plans to take the country step by step between 2021 and '41," he said. Today we are going to adopt the eighth five year plan.

The Prime Minister further said, "If we are in the government or whoever they are, if they implement these plans, then we can build Bangladesh as a developed and prosperous country.